We're here for you
We know that the number one priority for our members is to look after their patients, which is why it’s important that our members are looked after throughout their career.

ANMF ACT services aim to improve the working lives of members and build stronger, healthier, safer workplaces.
Who Can Join the ANMF ACT?
ANMF ACT membership is open to Registered Nurses, Registered Midwives, Enrolled Nurses and Assistants in Nursing.
Member Benefits
Membership has many benefits.

Read all about the benefits of ANMF ACT membership such as Industrial and Professional representation and Professional Indemnity Insurance by clicking the button below.
Affiliate Members
ANMF ACT affiliates is for eligible nurses, midwives and AINs. This includes students, associates and dual affiliates.

Contact the Branch to learn more about how you can become an affiliate.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can become a member of ANMF ACT and what are the different tiers of membership?

Members Eligible for Full ANMF ACT Branch Services:

  • ANMF ACT membership is open to employees in the ACT nursing and midwifery industry. Different fees are set for those working in the aged care sector and the public/private sector. 
  • ANMF ACT Undergraduate Student Nurse/Midwife (USN/M) membership is available to students who are employed in paid USN/M roles under the ACT Public Sector Nursing and Midwifery Enterprise Agreement. (Please note: USN/M membership is different to free ANMF ACT student affiliation which is available to students, not in USN/M paid roles, and not requiring membership services). 
What are the membership fees?

Payment method to choose from:

  • Direct debit payments are scheduled fortnightly, in line with the public sector pay fortnight, and are processed on Fridays* 
  • Automatic 3 monthly credit card payments scheduled for the first business day in January, April, July and October*
  • Automatic 12 monthly credit card payments scheduled for the first business day of the following month of your membership application*

*Note that membership payments are processed on schedules. Thus, a gap (catch-up) payment may be incurred to align your payment period to our payment schedule.


Public and Private

12 Months

3 Months


















*Students who are employed in a paid undergraduate student nurse/midwife role in the Public Sector. If you work in the Private or Aged Care Sector, please contact the Branch regarding eligibility.  


Aged Care*

12 Months

3 Months














* Must be working in an Aged Care facility

What should I do with my membership if I am working in another state?
  • If you are relocating and would like to continue your membership with the ANMF in another Branch, please fill out a request form and submit to anmfact@anmfact.org.au.
  • If you are a member of the ANMF in other Branch, and would like to be a member of ANMF ACT Branch, please contact your current Branch and request a transfer of your membership. 
  • If you work in multiple States/Territories, you should maintain your membership with the ANMF Branch in the State or Territory where you are employed for majority of the time. If you're a member who is working in both the ACT and another State/Territory (where the majority of your employment takes place in ACT) or have accepted a contract employment for less than 12 weeks in another State/Territory, you should notify the ANMF ACT Branch in writing by sending an email to our Membership Team at anmfact@anmfact.org.au, providing details of your workplace and duration of your secondary or contracted employment. 
Am I being covered by Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurances?
  • ANMF ACT full financial members who are employed as an Enrolled Nurse (EN), Registered Nurse (RN) and Registered Midwife (RM), are covered by Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurances. Nurses and midwives in independent practice will not be covered unless agreed to by the ANMF ACT Branch, upon application. Please ensure that your membership is current, and membership payments are successfully made. 
  • To ensure that you are receiving adequate membership coverage, please update the ANMF ACT Branch on any changes to your personal details, including employment details. 
  • Coverage:
    • Professional Indemnity - $10,000,000 any one claim and in the aggregate (with four reinstatements) 
    • Public Liability - $10,000,000 any one occurrence 
  • Exclusions apply with respect to Botox and cosmetic injectables; intoxicants & drugs; laser therapy; osteopathy; chiropractic and manipulative therapy; radioactivity, services rendered under the influence of intoxicants or drugs; and dishonest, fraudulent, criminal and/or malicious conduct; fines penalties, punitive or aggravated damages. Please contact the ANMF ACT for clarifications.

Got any other PII or public liability queries? Contact the Branch.