Affiliates (Not Members Under ANMF Federal Rules) consist of:

  • ANMF ACT Dual Affiliation – Nurses and Midwives working in sectors other than the health care sector e.g. a nurse in the education sector holding union membership with another union with a Dual Affiliation Agreement with the ANMF ACT.

  • Affiliate (General) provides connection with the ANMF ACT and the nursing and midwifery professions and is available to nurses, midwives and Assistants in Nursing who are no longer on the AHPRA practising Register. Registrants on AHPRAs non-practising Register are eligible for ANMF ACT Affiliation.

  • ANMF ACT Student Affiliate - available free of charge to nursing, midwifery and AIN students who are studying. It does not provide ANMF ACT membership coverage for paid or voluntary work being undertaken by students.


Please contact the Branch to Check Eligibility.