Our Vision
The ANMF ACT Branch is a leader within the nursing and midwifery professions, recognised by the Canberra community for its leadership, and influences decision-makers to ensure access to the right healthcare, within a fair and inclusive society.

Our members stories

Advocating, learning and caring
As a Nurse and an ANMF ACT Workplace Delegate, Lisa Bourke loves that she gets to advocate for the rights of colleagues and patients. Lisa shares her journey on her career so far and the impacts joining the ANMF ACT has had on her, and her hopes for the future.

Looking after yourself is just as important as looking after women and families
When Remy Peters is asked what the most rewarding aspect of her work as a Midwife is, she says that the answer people usually expect is: “seeing babies being born.”.

Finding balance
As an ANMF ACT member and Workplace Delegate, Connor Lynch has witnessed first-hand the importance of union support in encouraging wellbeing practices and the importance of having a work-life balance.